



2017-08-12 17:17:00




  1800 Thomas Dilworth’s New Guide to the English Dialogue was being widely used to teach reading in the United States. Dilworth's primer, unlike earlier ones, stressed the importance of children’s understanding what they read. While it is in fact unlikely that children would have recognized all the vocabulary Dilworth used, that was at least his stated goal. Dilworth recognized that primers should enable children to decode words from print with the form of language they already knew: speech. In contrast, many earlier authors assumed that, just as introductory Latin texts taught children an unknown language, introductory English texts should teach English as if it, too, were an unknown language.

  1. According to the passage, the “earlier authors” adopted a model for English instruction that

  A. mirrored the practice used in Latin instruction

  B. was originally formulated by Dilworth

  C. was less esoteric than that adopted by Dilworth

  D. stressed familiarity with the peculiarities of English spelling

  E. emphasized the importance of fluent and articulate speech

  2. The author of the passage would probably agree with which of the following criticisms of English primers predating Dilworth’s?

  A. Their Latinate grammatical terms poorly described the structures of English.

  B. They failed to make effective use of the knowledge of language a child already possessed.

  C. Their texts typically focused on subject matter that held little intrinsic interest for their readers.

  D. They neglected to teach the language in a sufficiently systematic way.

  E. They required a pedagogical method that few American teachers of the era possessed.


  1800 Thomas Dilworth’s New Guide to the English Dialogue was being widely used to teach reading in the United States.

  1800 年,T D 的 < New Guide to the English Dialogue > 被广泛用于美国的阅读教材。


  Dilworth's primer, unlike earlier ones, stressed the importance of children’s understanding what they read.

  不像早期作者,D 的入门读物,重在强调孩子对所读材料的理解。


  While it is in fact unlikely that children would have recognized all the vocabulary Dilworth used, that was at least his stated goal.

  尽管实际上孩子们未必认识 D 所用的每一个单词,但至少这是他的既定目标。


  Dilworth recognized that primers should enable children to decode words from print with the form of language they already knew: speech.

  D 认识到,入门读物应该让孩子能够把印刷品上的字词,解码为他们已知的语言形式:口语。


  In contrast, many earlier authors assumed that, just as introductory Latin texts taught children an unknown language, introductory English texts should teach English as if it, too, were an unknown language.


  1. According to the passage, the “earlier authors” adopted a model for English instruction that

  A. mirrored the practice used in Latin instruction

  B. was originally formulated by Dilworth

  C. was less esoteric than that adopted by Dilworth

  D. stressed familiarity with the peculiarities of English spelling

  E. emphasized the importance of fluent and articulate speech

  选 A

  根据句 5:

  In contrast, many earlier authors assumed that, just as introductory Latin texts taught children an unknown language, introductory English texts should teach English as if it, too, were an unknown language.

  2. The author of the passage would probably agree with which of the following criticisms of English primers predating Dilworth’s?

  A. Their Latinate grammatical terms poorly described the structures of English.

  B. They failed to make effective use of the knowledge of language a child already possessed.

  C. Their texts typically focused on subject matter that held little intrinsic interest for their readers.

  D. They neglected to teach the language in a sufficiently systematic way.

  E. They required a pedagogical method that few American teachers of the era possessed.

  选 B


  具体到本题,问我们作者可能同意哪一种对比 D 更早的英语入门读物作者的批评。

  回顾文章,作者有没有直接批评 D 以前的其他作家?


  但作者明确表示过两点:1,D 和其他早期作者不同;2,D 注重培养孩子把书面印刷信息转化为口语来理解。

  综合来看,选 B。

  A 未知信息。文中没涉及过 Latinate grammatical terms 。

  C 干扰项。文章讨论的始终是教学思想,即要怎么教孩子阅读,没有讨论过这些初级阅读的写作对象或主题,subject matter 乱入。

  D 强干扰项。作者的确可能不认同其他早期作者的教材编写策略,但作者从未批评他们不够系统有效,我们甚至无法推出,作者认为 D 的方法系统有效的推论。

  E 看到 American teachers 你就知道,这个选项是凑数的。






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