



2016-09-20 11:34:00




  1.How do you spend your time now before going to Switzerland?

  2.Where have you been to? And how do you think of these cities?

  3.Why do you choose this school?

  4.What is the course structure and subjects will you study in Switzerland?

  5.How much is your school fee?

  6.Why do you want to study in Switzerland?How long have you planned to stay in Switzerland?

  7.What is your career plan after graduation?

  8.How ar eyou sure that your parents would support you? And how about your parents in comestatus?

  9.What do your parents do?

  10.Why do you want to work in hotel?

  11.What do you plan to do in hotel?

  12.Who will support your study and pay the tuition fee?

  13.What is the name of the Swiss School you applied? In what location of Switzerland?

  14.If you have good chance to work abroad.Would you like t ocome back china to work after graduation?

  15.Do you have any friend or family member living in Switzerland now?

  16.Do you have any working experience,especially in the hotel and tourism industry?

  17.Who introduce you to study at this Swiss School? How do you know this school?

  18.During your study in Switzerland,you will have holidays.What do you plan to do during the holiday?

  20.Apart from Switzerland,have you thought about to study in other countries?

  21.Apart from Hotel Management,have you thought about to study other programs?

  22.Do you plan to do some part-time job when you study in Switzerland?

  23.Please use 5 minutes to introduce yourself.

  24.Do you want to work for your internship in Switzerland or other countries?

  25.Do you think you need to improve your English before going to Switzerland?

  26.What do you think about 2008 Olympics Games in Beijing?

  27.Did you write your own study plan or somebody else helped you?Could you please summarize your study plan for me?

  28.Is it your first time to travel to other country?






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